Thursday, November 1

09:00-09:15 Conference Opening

09:15-10:30 Session 1: Energy Efficiency

Deafallah Alsadie, Eidah Alzahrani, Nasrin Sohrabi, Zahir Tari and Albert Zomaya
DTFA: A Dynamic Threshold-based Fuzzy Approach for Power-efficient VM Consolidation

Ashish Rauniyar, Paal Engelstad and Olav N. Østerbø
RF Energy Harvesting and Information Transmission based on Power Splitting and NOMA for IoT Relay Systems

Juvencio Manjate, Markus Hidell and Peter Sjödin
Energy-Efficient Data Center Networks

James Phung, Young Choon Lee and Albert Zomaya
Modeling System-Level Power Consumption Profiles Using RAPL (short paper)

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Session 2: Networking (I)

Yaoqing Liu and Garegin Grigoryan
Towards Incremental FIB Aggregation with Quick Selections (FAQS)

Siddhant Goenka, Sisi Duan and Haibin Zhang
A Formal Treatment of Efficient Byzantine Routing Against Fully Byzantine Adversary

Desta Haileselassie Hagos, Paal E. Engelstad, Anis Yazidi and Øivind Kure
Recurrent Neural Network-based Prediction of TCP Transmission States from Passive Measurements

Paulo Pinto, Amineh Mazandarani, Pedro Amaral and Luis Bernardo
Towards a Low Latency Network-Slice Resistant to Unresponsive Traffic (short paper)

Garegin Grigoryan and Yaoqing Liu
LAMP: Prompt Layer 7 Attack Mitigation With Programmable Data Planes (short paper)

Klaus-Tycho Foerster
On the Consistent Migration of Splittable Flows: Latency-Awareness and Complexities (short paper)

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Session 3: Data Analysis and Machine Learning

Erick Petersen, Stephane Maag, Marco Antonio To and Thierry Yamga
An Unsupervised Rule Generation Approach for Online Complex Event Processing

Andrea Tundis, Gaurav Bhatia, Archit Jain and Max Mühlhäuser
Supporting the Identification and the Assessment of Suspicious Users on Twitter Social Media

Oluwatobi Fajana, Gareth Owenson and Mihaela Cocea
TorBot Stalker: Detecting Tor Botnets through Intelligent Circuit Data Analysis

Giovanni Apruzzese and Michele Colajanni
Evading Botnet Detectors Based on Flows and Random Forest with Adversarial Samples

Jarilyn Hernandez Jimenez and Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova
The Effect of Network Flows-based Features and Training Set Size on Malware Detection

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-18:00 Session 4: Blockchain

Harish Sukhwani, Nan Wang, Kishor Trivedi and Andy Rindos
Performance Modeling of Hyperledger Fabric (Permissioned Blockchain Network)

Emmanuelle Anceaume, Antoine Guellier, Romaric Ludinard and Bruno Sericola
Sycomore: A Permissionless Distributed Ledger that Self-Adapts to Transactions Demand

Tyler Crain, Vincent Gramoli, Mikel Larrea and Michel Raynal
DBFT: Efficient Byzantine Consensus with a Weak Coordinator and its Application to Consortium Blockchains

Sidra Malik, Salil Kanhere and Raja Jurdak
ProductChain: Scalable Blockchain Framework to Support Provenance in Supply Chains

19:30 Social event (dinner) at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge (NCA venue). It will be held in the William Dawes room, located on the 1st floor.

Friday, November 2

09:00-10:00 Session 5: Microservices

Fabio Pina, Jaime Correia, Ricardo Filipe, Filipe Araujo and Jorge Cardoso
Nonintrusive Monitoring of Microservice-based Systems

Jaime Correia, Fábio Ribeiro, Ricardo Filipe, Filipe Araujo and Jorge Cardoso
Response Time Characterization of Microservice-Based Systems (short paper)

Cleber Jorge Lira de Santana, Brenno de Mello Alencar and Cássio Vinicius Serafim Prazeres
Microservices: A Mapping Study for Internet of Things Solutions (short paper)

Ricardo Filipe, Jaime Correia, Filipe Araujo and Jorge Cardoso
On Black-Box Monitoring Techniques for Multi-Component Services (short paper)

Fernando Buzato, Alfredo Goldman and Daniel Batista
Efficient Resources Utilization by Different Microservices Deployment Models (short paper)

10:00-11:00 Keynote

Arndt Bode - A Holistic Approach to Efficient HPC, Networking and Storage for Science

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 Session 6: Distributed Algorithms

Pedro Fouto, João Leitão and Nuno Preguiça
Practical and Fast Causal Consistent Partial Geo-Replication

Vasile Cazacu, Emmanuelle Anceaume and Yann Busnel
On the Fly Detection of the Top-k Items in the Distributed Sliding Window Model

Yves Mocquard, Bruno Sericola and Emmanuelle Anceaume
Population Protocols with Convergence Detection

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Session 7: Internet of Things

Diogo Calado and Miguel Pardal
Tamper-Proof Incentive Scheme for Mobile Crowdsensing Systems

Jonathan Roux, Eric Alata, Guillaume Auriol, Mohamed Kaâniche, Vincent Nicomette and Romain Cayre
RadIoT: Radio Communications Intrusion Detection for IoT - A Protocol Independent Approach

Ernando Batista, Leandro Andrade, Ramon Costa, Andressa Andrade, Gustavo Bittencourt and Cássio Prazeres
Characterization and Modeling of IoT Data Traffic in the Fog of Things Paradigm

Lars Mikkelsen, Hans Peter Schwefel and Tatiana Madsen
Sensing Quality and Estimation of Public Transport Occupancy During Live Operation (short paper)

Alejandro Mazuera-Rozo and Sandra Rueda
Device and User Management for Smart Homes (short paper)

João Ferreira and Miguel Pardal
Witness-Based Location Proofs for Mobile Devices (short paper)

Siva Leela Krishna Chand Gudi, Suman Ojha, Benjamin Johnston, Jesse Clark and Mary-Anne Williams
Fog Robotics for Efficient, Fluent and Robust Human-Robot Interaction (short paper)

Antonio Deusany de Carvalho Jr, Alfredo Goldman and Victor Seiji Hariki
Sensing Trees in Smart Cities with Open-Design Hardware (short paper)

16:00-16:20 Coffee Break

16:20-18:00 Session 8: Networking (II)

Truong Thao Nguyen, Hiroki Matsutani and Michihiro Koibuchi
Low-Reliable Low-Latency Networks Optimized for HPC Parallel Applications

Sayda Elmi
What the Data Analysis Can Offer to the Network Management?

Dimitris Sakavalas and Lewis Tseng
Delivery Delay and Mobile Faults

Arash Shaghaghi, Salil Kanhere, Mohamed Ali Kaafar and Sanjay Jha
Gwardar: Towards Protecting a Software-Defined Network from Malicious Network Operating Systems (short paper)

Lev Levitin and Yelena Rykalova
Critical Phenomena in Interconnection Networks with Heterogeneous Activity (short paper)

Sudarshan Chawathe
Analysis of Burst Header Packets in Optical Burst Switching Networks (short paper)

Omar Houidi, Oussama Soualah, Wajdi Louati, Djamal Zeghlache and Farouk Kamoun
Virtualized Network Services Extension Algorithms (short paper)

Saturday, November 3

09:00-10:30 Session 9: Cybersecurity

Sudarshan Chawathe
Monitoring IoT Networks for Botnet Activity

Luis Zabala, Ruben Solozabal, Armando Ferro and Bego Blanco
Model of a Virtual Firewall based on Stochastic Petri Nets (short paper)

Diego Fernández Iglesias, Laura Victoria Vigoya Morales, Fidel Cacheda, Francisco J. Novoa, Manuel F. Lopez-Vizcaino and Victor Carneiro
A Practical Application of a Dataset Analysis in an Intrusion Detection System (short paper)

Gabriele Costa, Enrico Russo and Alessandro Armando
Scenario Design and Validation for Next Generation Cyber Ranges (short paper)

Rashid Tahir Khan, Ali Raza, Fareed Zaffar, Faizan Ghani and Mubeen Zulfiqar Zulfiqar
Using SGX-Based Virtual Clones for IoT Security (short paper)

Guillaume Averlant, Eric Alata, Mohamed Kaaniche, Vincent Nicomette and Yuxiao Mao
SAAC: Secure Android Application Context - A Runtime Based Policy and its Architecture (short paper)

Joseph Sobchuk, Sean O'Melia, Daniil Utin and Roger Khazan
Leveraging Intel SGX Technology to Protect Security-Sensitive Applications (short paper)

Salva Daneshgadeh, Thomas Kemmerich, Tarem Ahmed and Nazife Baykal
A Hybrid Approach to Detect DDoS Attacks Using KOAD and the Mahalanobis Distance (short paper)

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Session 10: Cloud and Edge Computing

Huaiwen He and Hong Shen
Online Workload Scheduling for Green Cloud Data Center with Delay Guarantee in Smart Grid

Kennedy Torkura, Muhammad Ihsan Haikal Sukmana, Hendrik Graupner, Tim Strauss, Feng Cheng and Christoph Meinel
CSBAuditor: Proactive Security Risk Analysis for Cloud Storage Broker Systems

Jon Patman, Peter Lovett, Andrew Banning, Annie Barnett, Dmitrii Chemodanov and Prasad Calyam
Data-Driven Edge Computing Resource Scheduling for Protest Crowds Incident Management

Fernando Vanyo and Hector Marco
How Kernel Randomization is Canceling Memory Deduplication in Cloud Computing Systems (short paper)

Joao Ferreira, Gustavo Callou, Albert Josua and Paulo Maciel
Estimating the Environmental Impact of Data Centers (short paper)

Reem Alshahrani and Hassan Peyravi
Performance of Stateless Probe-based Schedulers in Datacenters (short paper)

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Session 11: Wireless and Radio Communications

Thierry Arrabal, Dominique Dhoutaut and Eugen Dedu
Efficient Multi-Hop Broadcasting in Dense Nanonetworks

Duarte Raposo, André Rodrigues, Soraya Sinche, Jorge Sá Silva and Fernando Boavida
Securing WirelessHART: Monitoring, Exploring and Detecting New Vulnerabilities

Ines Korbi, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane and Leila Azouz Saidane
LoRaWAN Analysis under Unsaturated Traffic, Orthogonal and non-Orthogonal Spreading Factor Conditions

Li Ying, Yi Huang, Suranga Seneviratne, Kanchana Thilakarathna, Adriel Cheng, Guillaume Jourjon, Darren Webb and Richard Xu
DeepContent: Unveiling Video Streaming Content from Encrypted WiFi Traffic

Max Lima, Horacio Oliveira, Eulanda Santos, Edleno Moura, Rafael Costa and Marco Levorato
Efficient and Robust WiFi Indoor Positioning using Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs (short paper)

Walaa Alayed, Lewis Mackenzie and Dimitrios Pezaros
Analytical Hierarchy Processes Multi-Metric Objective Function for RPL (short paper)

Lina Aliouat, Hakim Mabed and Julien Bourgeois
2.5 Layer Protocol for Traffic Regulation in Ultra-Dense Nanonetwork (short paper)

Francisco Vaca and Quamar Niyaz
An Ensemble Learning based Wi-Fi Network Intrusion Detection System (WNIDS) (short paper)

16:00-16:15 Conference Closing